Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lake Superior Zooooo... can you hear it? The call of the wild is calling you!

If you are from the Duluth, MN area, you have probably heard the Lake Superior Zoo song, hence the title of this post. It's kind of an annoying song, but catchy non the less. Anyway, on Saturday we went there.

The boys were so excited! They love it whenever we go to the zoo!

Gabriel is unlike most kids. A lot of kids would see a flock of geese and run straight for them or try to pet them. Gabriel on the other hand is very cautious. He always observes things before jumping on in and getting his hands dirty. That's what he's doing with the geese, which is a good thing and I told him not to touch them anyway!

A black swan!

Gabriel has this thing with benches. Whenever he sees a bench, no matter where we are, he always wants to sit on them and play on them. I have no idea why. He also has a thing for not wanting his picture taken :)

The bears!!! We got lucky because they were feeding the two bears when we walked by, so we got an extra close up look of them! 

Looking for underwater animals... which, we didn't see. But the boys still had fun!

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