Thursday, September 22, 2011

this week...

This past week has been miserable. There is simply no other way to put it. Just down right miserable. It all started last Thursday when I started getting this funky stomach issue. I had this stomach issue back when I lived in Korea but I haven't had it for over a year and a half. Pretty much the issue was if I ate certain things, or ate too much, I would have immense stomach pains for up to 2 hours after eating. The only thing I can compare this pain to would be childbirth, except unlike contractions I didn't get a break. Sometimes, thankfully, it wasn't that bad, just minor pain, but many times I was laying on the floor or in bed rolling around in complete misery. Yeah, it wasn't so fun. Everyone around me gave me a hundred reasons why I was going through what I was but none of them made much sense when you take the history of it all into consideration.

I have no idea if I'm done going through that, lets hope and pray that I am!

My stomach issues weren't the only thing that has made this week completely miserable. Oh no, not at all. My children also got the stomach flu on Saturday night and all day into Sunday... then I got the same flu on Monday night in Tuesday... and I'm still not caught up on laundry!

And only if that were just it, but no, there were migraines, awful back issues from being sick, teething baby Eli and last night Gabriel topped off my week by, in a moment of sheer naughtiness, jumping up while I was trying to grab him which slammed his head into the bottom of my chin which resulted in searing pain shooting up my jaw, into my ears, and down my neck. And now I have a hard time opening my mouth, my teeth hurt when I eat or drink and personally I think it would hurt more if my teeth were cracked or chipped so I'm guessing my gums or nerves are just bruised.

There was some good times in my week though, we went to the zoo on Saturday, my sister came up with her daughter, I went on a couple of walks to get out of the house ect. But still, I am hoping and praying that this next week is far better then this last one was! Sorry for my rant, it's just been a rough week!

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