Monday, September 12, 2011

just some sentences...

This morning was a rough morning. I was extremely tired from not enough sleep this last weekend and my children don't believe in sleeping in. I was exhausted. I was cranky. I didn't want to move from my bed. Then I didn't want to move from the couch. It was just one of those days. When Eli went and took his morning nap I put a movie on for Gabriel, gave him a snack and went to take a shower. On the way to the shower I grabbed my bible. Then I proceeded to sit on the bathroom floor for peace and quiet and I read my bible. I needed that. Oh how I needed that. I'm human, not super woman after all :) And, by the grace of God, I am now doing much better. I have energy (enough energy at least) and my bad mood is gone and I'm alive enough to play with the children. Sometimes, you literally do just have to lock yourself in the bathroom!

Speaking of this past weekend, I went down to the cities! I have wanted to go down there for so long and visit some of my family but because of transportation issues I haven't been able too. But I finally made it and I was able to visit my sister and her children whom I wish I could go visit more often!

These are the kiddo's! This actually was my first time meeting baby Kyeson and I have to say he sure is a cutie pie!

The girls showed me all around their new house and did gymnastic shows for me and introduced me to their new dog Piper. They are just precious!

After I left their place I traveled a little South of the cities and went to a conference. I learned a lot but unfortunately I didn't get out of there until 9PM... which meant a three hour drive home. I usually don't stay up past 10PM, so having to drive until midnight was stretching it for me. I also forgot my glasses that I normally where when I am driving and though, according to my drivers license, I don't legally have to wear them, it makes life a lot easier when I do. By the time I was half way home I had a pounding headache from trying to focus and squinting my eyes. I was in desperate need of some Motrin so I had to stop and pay the ungodly price of $2 for 4 pills at the gas station to take the edge off of my pain so I could finish the drive back.

Eli got an awful diaper rash while I was gone in the cities. He's my baby that never has any skin reactions or rashes (unlike Gabriel whom has reactions to everything and had diaper rashes most of his diaper days, even with cloth!) so I wasn't sure where it came from or if he was allergic to something he ate. I've been trying everything and it's not getting better so hopefully it breaks soon and him and I will have more pleasant diaper changes

I am now very excited for nap time and I hope and pray that Gabriel sleeps for me so that I can hopefully get a nap in too!

That's all for now! Toodle-oo :)

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