Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Almost 13 Weeks

So, goodness knows, I'm horrible at keeping up at blogging. But, I still keep it because I like to blog when I want too, even if it might not be that often, and I figured that's enough for me :) I have been reading a friends blog lately and she puts up weekly updates about her pregnancy. I thought it was a cute idea and how fun would it be to actually look back and see how things changed throughout pregnancy and remember how things actually were because heaven knows, pregnancy brain is great for forgetting things like thing ;) Now, doing this every week might not happen, but even if it happens a few times throughout pregnancy, I will be happy!

I kinda copied this from Britt's blog, though I changed a few things because I know I'm not gonna measure my waist each week, I'm just not that dedicated, ha! and my belly button is always going to be an inny :) But she did a good job of covering all the basics so I figured why change a good thing ;)

At the moment, I'm not quite 13 weeks, I'm 12 weeks and 5 days, but we'll just stick with 13 week sizes and what not, since I'm almost there after all!!!

Cravings: Fruit and Pizza Hut sauce (I know, it's kinda weird but it happens every pregnancy! Hence, my husband is bringing me home Pizza Hut tonight, hoping it goes down ok!).

Symptoms: Morning sickness. Ick! I feel mostly normal in the late morning/early afternoon, but morning and from about 4PM on I feel awful. It can even wake me up in the middle of the night. Hoping it gets better soon! 

Complaints: Morning sickness, lol! And I don't like any pressure on my belly, so even though regular pants fit perfectly fine, I don't like to wear them... or any pants for that matter! Hahaha! Maternity pants like to grip the belly or go over the stomach, so thats not comfy, and unless it's sweat pants with the loosest waist possible, it's just not comfy. Don't worry though, I still wear them ;)

Weight gain: -12 pounds (oh morning sickness)

Movement: Not yet! 

Doctor appointment results: I have one tomorrow, hoping to hear the heartbeat! Last time he tried super hard to find it, but the babe was just too little :) 

Mood: Is Blah a mood? If so, that's my mood. I just feel like blah all day. 

Planning: Nothing big... wondering where the baby is going to go in the house... and what it's name is going to be... but other then that, I haven't felt up to much planning. 

Advice: I've gotten different advice about morning sickness this week. Hopefully some of it will work for me :) All the things that worked with the other two, don't work with this one, so I'm completely up for any advice or tricks to manage the icky feeling. Today I was told to take Vitamin B5 and B6, or flora. I also heard to drink pop in the morning and to eat before even getting out of bed. I tried the latter, but it just made the sick feeling start even sooner then normal. So no more eating before getting out of bed for this Mama! 

Dreams: Hmm... I can't remember any at the moment... I know I had some, but I just can't remember any of them! Ha! 

Baby Size: The size of a peach!!! Well, I don't think it's that fat and round, lol, but the length is what we're going for, 2.9 inches :)

Cute Stuff: Gabriel talking to my belly is still one of the cutest things EVER! Today he laid on me while I was laying on the couch and I kept hearing him say 'I love you baby!' and sometimes he calls me baby so I said 'I love you too sweetie!' In which he replied, 'I wasn't talking to you! I was talking to the baby!' and then he snuck down closer to the bottom of my stomach and said over and over 'I love you baby! I love you baby!' and rubbed my belly :)
 He is also convinced it's a girl and will not listen to any reason that it could possibly be a boy. I will say 'Well, honey, it's not up to us if it's a boy or a girl, it's up to God... and he might give us another boy, it might not be a girl.' He will say, 'NO MOM! It's a girl. God is gonna give us a girl. He thinks we need a sister. Stop saying it's a boy! It's a GIRL!' Hahaha! 

Other events of the week: I get to go to the Birth and Baby Fair this weekend in Duluth and I'm super excited! Hoping to find some other options on where to have this baby as I'm not loving my current option (Cloquet) and I so NOT going back to Moose Lake. That and I had not a super lovely experience when I used to go to St. Lukes back in the day when I was first pregnant with Gabriel. Hoping to find some other natural options!

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