Thursday, April 16, 2015

Wait... WHAT?!?!?!

When Josh and I had the call to adopt, we thought we would be starting the process this fall. We said that would give us time to save money for costs, and just get some things in order and not add any more to our crazy life. One thing I've learned very well over the years, is God has a way of shaking up your plans.

It became very clear to us, that we needed to start now. Things almost started falling in to our lap, instead of us pursuing them, and we both knew that this is what we were supposed to do. So, we made the decision to accept the calling to adopt. But, with that, we knew if we were going to adopt, we would have to sell our house.

We went from the end of February and having 7 or 8 months to prepare for adoption, to March 4th and deciding to adopt now, and also somehow sell our house. I know, we just entered a whole new realm of crazy.

We decided to wanted to put our house up for sale in mid April, because we had a lot of projects we needed to get done. We had no idea how we were going to get any of it done, much less, actually keep our house clean enough to show it. Add in planning a community family fun fair/vendor show/fundraiser and my husband working 48-72 hr weeks, and we were tapped. Like, beyond tapped.

I spoke with a friend of mine who is a realtor, and had been asking her a bunch of questions about listing. By Wednesday, March 25th, my house had reached a whole new level of mess. Boxes, clothes, dishes piled high, paint cans strewn about, mess after mess after mess. One of those messes that you hope and pray that no one knocks on your door, or that there isn't an emergency and firefighters have to come into your house kind of things. HORRIBLE. I looked at my house and decided I wanted to crawl into a hole instead of clean because it was so overwhelming.

At 4pm that day, I get a message from my realtor, that says 'So... I have some buyers from the cities who might be interested in your house. (don't freak out, but...) What do you think about letting me do a very informal showing on Saturday morning?'



Oh if she could only have seen my house at that moment.

But what do you say? I mean, here is a chance, and you never know who is going to buy your house, so of course, yes!

I worked endlessly from Wednesday night to Saturday morning. Laundry, dishes, cleaning, painting, you name it. I was up from 5am every day and didn't go to bed until midnight. Clean, clean, scrub, scrub, ect ect ect. My body was crying by Saturday morning... like sobbing... uncontrollably, except I couldn't actually cry, I had no time, nor energy for that.

The house was shown, the people liked it, but no offer was made. Josh and I kept praying, if God called us to adopt, our house was going to have to sell. But now, our listing date was going to have to be pushed back, because there was going to be no way we were going to get some of the big projects done in time. We did show our house to one other couple who had randomly heard about our house and wanted to see it, but we didn't hear anything back, so we assumed neither couple really wanted it, even though we thought they were totally missing out, because we happen to think our house and land are pretty gosh darn awesome.

April 12th comes along. I had gone to church with my 3 boys, and had to talk in front of church, and by the time I got home, I was crabby, and so very tired. I took a two hour nap with Jared, and when I woke up, I find a text message on my phone and a missed call from my realtor. Text message read, 'I just sold your house.'



No. friggin'. way!

Like... really? We never even listed.... and neither couple ever came back for a second look... really??? REALLY?!?!

My first thought? Thank the Lord I do NOT have to keep my house spotlessly clean!!!

Three days later, offer has been signed from the very first couple who looked at our house, and granted everything goes well with inspections, our house is SOLD!

Yep. That is what I call a 'God Thing' right there. 

He calls you to do something = He will make a way. 

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