Friday, May 10, 2013

16 Weeks

Cravings: Hmm... Nothing really that I just HAVE to have. I still love my fruits during pregnancy :)

Symptoms: Still morning sickness. Seriously, this stuff is getting old! I'm glad it's not a constant feeling. Just mornings, and occasionally afternoons... and nights... Ok, it's really not all day, well, some days it is... I swear every day is different. I am guaranteed not to feel well in the morning and then some days afternoons are bad and some days evenings are bad, and every night at 9PM on the dot I start not feeling well. I'm pretty good at hiding it though, so most people don't know that I feel like I'm on nauseous or on the verge of throwing up when I am talking to them when in reality I am. 

Complaints: I guess my only complaint/frustration is when a few people have treated me like I choose what kind of foods make me sick or 'if you would just eat x or x, I know you would feel better and have energy and not feel so sick, you just don't want to try it.' Umm... I have no control over what makes me sick! I hate half the foods that doesn't make me sick and I am so TIRED of eating them. And if eating a salad was the key to more energy (which I have a hard time putting down because of the smell of salad dressings) then I would be shoving my face full of them. It's just frustrating, and half the time very emotional and infuriating, when people treat you that way. Believe me, going on 3 months of feeling like crap at some point of makes a lady very tired and kinda emotional and just plain miserable, so don't treat her like she is choosing it! Just because they have never been through a pregnancy where you feel sick constantly, or know someone who was sick constantly, doesn't mean that those of us who are have something wrong with us or it's some easy fix. Pregnancy effects each woman differently! Just because I'm not like you, or your sister, mom, wife, aunt, or cousin, doesn't make something wrong with me and it DOES NOT mean that I am choosing this or have control over it! Ok, sorry. I've just had two people do that to me lately and it's really not fun to go through that and you leave the conversation really wanting to cry :( 

Weight gain: Still at -12 pounds. 

Movement: Flutters and occasional soft kicks! 

Doctor appointment results: No doctor appointments lately. 

Mood: Pretty good for the most part. Sometimes overwhelmed if I think about how long I've not been feeling well, but if I take it one day at a time and not dwell on the length of sickly days and what not, then it's not so bad. 

Planning: I bought a swing and a car seat :) The swing just came today, so we have to set it up and see if we like it. I like the car seat though :) 

Advice: More advice on how to deal with morning sickness! I've tried lots of different tips, some work, some don't, but I'm thankful people are trying to help with different ideas! 

Dreams: Nothing too odd! Random people show up in my dreams, but it's not too crazy.

Baby Size: The size of a avocado. 

Cute Stuff: My kids :) 

Other events of the week: We got baby chickens yesterday! The boys, especially Gabriel, is super excited about them and asks to go look at them multiple times a day. It's also Mother's Day on Sunday and all I asked for was for all the dishes to be done, that would seriously be the best gift EVER!  Gabriel also starts soccer on Monday, so we are very excited about that! We went out tonight and got him shin pads, tennis shoes, and his very own soccer ball to practice on at home :) 

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