Saturday, May 19, 2012

Kidney Walk

I had a very interesting and emotional day. A few weeks ago my massage teacher notified my class of the Kidney Walk in Duluth. The walk was looking for massage therapist students to volunteer their time for the walkers and volunteers on walk day. I had originally not signed up to give massages that day but after some fellow students cancelled I volunteered to take their place.

Now I didn't think too much about the walk. I didn't really know too much about what it was about and for whatever the reason I didn't think it was that important. Not because kidney disease or failure isn't serious, I just didn't understand. But, I was very, very wrong. It was very important to so many people.

This morning my friend Melissa, a fellow student, and I met up and DBU and carpooled down to Bayfront for the walk. We set up our chairs and waited for the first people to show up for complimentary massages. Within minutes I found out why this walk was so important and so emotional for so many people. There were two young girls there, maybe 6 and 7, holding a sign that said 'We Walk for Our Brother' and there was a picture of a little toddler boy on the picture. My friend and I were almost in tears when we saw them.

There were also people there with shirt that read 'In honor of Bill, 05/05/12'. Their fellow friend and family member had died less then two weeks ago from a kidney condition.

The hardest one for me was this young boy. His brother and him were maybe 2 years old and they were running around playing. He kept walking by us and I noticed right away that he had blotches and scabby areas all over his face. He walked a tiny bit slower and had a look to his face that I just couldn't forget. I soon noticed that his picture was on the back of quiet a few peoples shirts. It turned out he was sick with a kidney disease. Broke my heart.

I also gave a massage to a lady with a kidney disease. And there was another lady who was being worked on who had just had a funeral the day before for a family member and friend.

It was a hard day and very emotional. I had to keep from crying so many times. But, it was amazing because although it was emotional, everyone had such a light hearted attitude. Everyone was laughing, joking around, and over all just having a good time. I completely salute the families and friends that were there walking for their loved ones.

Congratulations Kidney Walkers for raising over $70,000 today!

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