Monday, September 26, 2011


Every weekend we try to do something fun with the kids. Not overly expensive fun, just fun. Sometimes we go to a different park, sometimes we go to the zoo, or we go to Lake Superior and let them throw rocks into the water and we'll have a picnic. I'm dreading winter because there won't be as many fun things to do outside and my children LOVE to be outside. Absolutely love it. As in they are not happy being inside and will eventually get bored in approximately 3.6 minutes and start bothering each other for something to do. *Sigh*

This last weekend we had big plans. We were going to go up to Gooseberry Falls, go on some hikes, go to the lake, and to the pier and some shops in Two Harbors. It was going to be fun! But we didn't go... so what did we do? We packed. Frantically.

Josh found out that he lost his job on Thursday of last week. We had to make the very quick and hard decision that we needed to move out of our apartment by the end of the month. So we packed, a lot, and priced things as we decided to have a sale in our apartment to try and sell things that we weren't going to have space for.

Every day since we found out we had to move has been miserable. Traveling, packing, hauling, lifting, trying to work around children, trying to find people to watch said children, and the emotions. Oh the lovely emotions. See I'm not a pack rat. Nor have I ever loved a lot of the stuff that we've had. But there are memories tied into every things that you own, even if you never liked it, and when you turn to sell it, well let's just say it can be hard.

Yes, getting rid of some of the stuff can be hard but I'm actually happy to be gone with most of it. I don't like clutter or even organized clutter. I like space. Space feels cleaner, looks cleaner, space gives you a little freedom, clutter just boxes you in and I don't like that. And I was feeling like we had too much, so I guess this is an oddly perfect solution, even if there are hard corners to take along the way.

Since my last blog post, you know, the one where I said I hope this next week will be better? Yeah, since that post it's been hectic and crazy and I'm actually surprised I'm having the time to sit down and write this! I'm trying to mentally prepare for school to start in a week, looking for a baby sitter for my Wednesday night classes, hoping to finish Eli's quilt somewhere in there, having an apartment sale, and moving. Oh, and I have an appointment I can't miss on Wednesday and I need to find time to go to school and get my books. Blah!

Hopefully the next time you hear from me, I will actually be having a good week and my mind will not be running at a million miles an hour. Oh dear!

1 comment:

  1. Kayla! I'm so sorry Josh lost his job and you guys have to move! :( We will be praying for you guys!


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