Thursday, August 18, 2011

a life less common...

A couple of weeks ago I decided that I should take a break from Facebook (FB). I realized that it was a huge distraction for me and that it just needed to disappear for a time. Now I know some people are probably thinking ‘well if it’s a huge distraction, just don’t use it so much’ but it’s wasn’t really that. It was a habit. If I went on the computer, I went on FB. If I just needed to check my email, I checked FB. If I wanted to check the weather, I went on FB too. I didn’t go on because I necessarily wanted too, it was just a habit, and then once you were on FB you would read all the hundreds of little posts from all of your friends and before you knew it, a ton of time was wasted.

So I figured the best way to break the habit was to just get rid of it. So I deactivated my facebook account and was so glad to be free from this time consumer.

Don’t get me wrong, FB is great. You can interact with people whom you don’t get to see very often, it allows to you connect with a large group of people at one time, it’s great if you want to invite people to an event ect. It’s just kind of one of those cases, for me at least, where too much a good thing is a bad thing… I don’t know. I know it’s not the same for everyone. It’s just that I personally don’t need any more distractions right now, so FB is gone, for now. I’m sure I’ll open it up again in the future, but I don’t know when. 

So, that is where this blog comes in. I used to blog all the time. I had this blog that was originally called ‘Life Abroad,’ and then I wasn’t living abroad anymore so I changed the name to ‘All the Little Moments,’ but then I kept taking breaks from blogging so I just gave up on that blog.

When I quit FB I knew that there were going to be those of you out there that would still want to connect and want to hear stories and see pictures of my kids. About three seconds before I deactivated my FB account I realized that I needed to start a blog again for the sake of those whom, unfortunately, don’t get to see my kids that often that want too, or those whom just want to keep connected. So I hopped on over to blogger and I really didn’t want to spend an hour thinking up a clever blog title, so I wrote down the first thing that came to mind, and that was ‘A Life Less Common.’ I only thought about the name for a minute. I liked the ring of it, and I liked the thought of being uncommon. I thought about that bible verse that says (forgive me, my bible is in my room and Eli is sleeping in there) that if you are of the world then you are not of Him and if you are of Him then you are not of this world and I thought how things of this world are the 'common' things, and since I strive to know God and his ways and will try to do anything He calls me to do, then technically I'm not common. And, neither are anyone whom follows the Lord. 

And that’s how this blog and its title came to be :)

And here is to becoming even less common *cheers* :)

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Drop a note to say 'Hello' or whatever else you want to say! Love hearing from you!!!