Cravings: Fruit, fruit, and more fruit! I love summer!
Symptoms: Little guy is super LOW! Seriously, he's kicking things he really shouldn't be kicking... if you know what I mean. The few times I've tried to get Gabriel or Josh to feel the baby, I have to push their hands super low and, of course, whenever their hands go on my belly, little guy decides to stop kicking, every time!
Complaints: Sore back at times... frequent bathrooms trips as well...
Weight gain: At this point, I have no idea. I think my scale is on crack. I will step on it, it will say -12. Step on it again, -9. Step on again and it's -19. So, it's somewhere in the midst off all those numbers.
Movement: Yep!
Doctor appointment results: No doctor appointments recently!
Mood: Tired, stressed, umm, stressed and more stressed.
Planning: Thinking about names and where in the world I'm going to find clothes and such for this little munchkin :)
Advice: N/A.
Dreams: I'm too tired to remember any of them, haha!
Baby Size: He's the size of a grapefruit :)
Cute Stuff: I think Gabriel might be opening up to the idea of baby being a boy. He tried to convince me that we should name the baby Gabriel, so that it's just like him :)
Other events of the week: I turned 26 years old :) I didn't get to do anything for my birthday though. I had gone out to my parents to drop the dog off for the night and I was so tired since I hadn't had any sleep the night before. But, the next day we went 'camping'. Really, we pitched a tent in my parents yard and took day trips to go fishing and play on playgrounds. We also went swimming in their little pool, a lot! We got lots of sun :) I only lasted one night in the tent though. Baby and I gave up on the second night and snuck inside to a nice comfy bed :)